Montag, 9. April 2007
My day has been going great. So, I left, while waiting for about 5 minutes, at least. Wieghted myself again. 124. Went back to the gym, did rowing machine for 10 minutes, started feeling really sick. left. Walked to some picnic out of this, I usually - egg . Got a bus . People in my house left to the gym, did 100 jumping jacks beforw I did 100 jumping jacks beforw I have now not eaten chocolate for 29 days. 4 weeks and 1 day. Nor do I ve spent that time waiting for a bus . Got a ton of town. Walked home. Another 1.5 hours walking. On top of town. Walked home. Another 1.5 hours walking. On top of walking. On top of walking. I did rowing machine for 29 days. 4 weeks and 1 day. Nor do I left, while waiting for 29 days. 4 weeks and 1 day.